We invest 80% of the HR cost we bring to your project

Your questions answered

  • Startup: how to increase your chances ?

    Statistics show a failure rate of 75% at 3 years and 90% at 5 years.
    This excessive mortality of startups is a human and financial disaster of which project leaders and investors are both victims and accomplices. By adhering to the financial rules designed by and for the American market, the innovation ecosystem is unsuited to the creation of innovative SMEs based on sustainable organic growth.

    Projects based on growth and excessive valuation push the founders to design business plans with dizzying objectives to attract financiers. They spend their time and then exhaust themselves putting together cases to raise funds instead of selling and forming strategic partnerships.

    The current objective is overvaluation, investors paying an excessive price for their access ticket for a low participation in relation to the sums they inject.
    In the end, everyone lose because few startups become unicorns... and the others disappear. Investors lose their money, startuppers their project and the innovation economy suffers.

    Inno Angels' approach is radically different: we create lean companies, with no fixed costs to be agile and go far with less financial need.
    We provide all the resources to develop your innovation, it is up to you to create business immediately to enable a sustainable activity that will quickly make profits. It is in our best interest as investors, and above all it is yours.

  • How does Inno Angels finance the resources?

    All experts and human resources are working for you at -80% less cost. It generates a debt that is returned back on upcoming sales. Everyone is rewarded on future sales. That's the secret to attracting motivated talent that you can count on.
    Inno Angels manages all the development of your innovation, marketing, strategy, etc. We put in place all the tools and indicators allowing the management and optimization of the processes. The financiers who join the projects in which we invest make it possible to pay for the resources and are better represented in the capital, which makes the eligible projects much more interesting for them. On your side, you don't need other partners and you have more capital. Everyone wins.

  • SMB: how to develop innovation without constraints

    The lack of specific expertise, time and resources is a major obstacle to developing your markets through innovation.
    More than anything, resistance to change is the main factor blocking the progress of established businesses.
    Inno Angels allows you to develop your innovations by creating your subsidiary dedicated to turnkey innovation.
    Your will innovate without disrupting your existing activity and will find new markets via digital.

  • I am an investor, why joining Inno Angels

    The conditions for investing in innovative companies are currently very risky because of the general overvaluation of projects.
    With Inno Angels, you join selected and analyzed projects with good prospects for return on investment.
    You invest alongside us. In return, you are sure that your money won't be spent for paying costly wages.
    Compare with the traditional way to invest...

  • I am a field expert, a business developer, why joining Inno Angels

    Inno Angels allows you to join promising projects you will be rewarded on. Eligible projects are selected on the basis of sustainability and viability criteria.
    You intervene punctually according to your availability and the needs of the projects to support them towards success. It's a new way to invest and generate more regular income through future sales incentive.
    Joining Inno Angels' community of experts is FREE, take advantage of it!

  • How to benefit from our investment?

    We decide to invest in a project after it has been analyzed at the technical and business level.
    A project validated on these two points becomes eligible for our investment.
    We then undertake to provide the Human Ressources at 80% less cost until the project generates sales. It's the best way to reduce the initial cost and to reach your market.
    This allows you to concentrate on your core business, not managing providers and putting all your energy into fundraising.

Want to know more?

Is your project eligible?



Do you have control over your market, your products and need to innovate/optimize? We help you by operating and investing in your project.

  • Your turnkey Innovation subsidiary
  • No disruption of your business
  • We co-invest in your project

Submit your project

startup, innovation


We build your project from the idea. No longer worry about looking for teammates or funding.

  • Turnkey dream team
  • We provide development
  • The expenses are paid

Submit your project

expert innovation


Do you have the expertise? invest it in innovation and generate recurring income

  • Take part in motivating projects
  • Value your expertise
  • Co-invest with us

Submit your expertise

investor innovation


Access validated, de-risked and secure projects

  • Reduced exposure, increased shareholding
  • Stakeholders co-invest with you
  • Ethical funding

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